路易斯安那州卫生工作者被禁止推广疫苗,引起公众的卫生关注。 Louisiana health workers banned from promoting vaccines, raising public health concerns.
路易斯安那州卫生部静悄悄地执行了一项政策,阻止其雇员推广COVID-19、流感和天花疫苗。 Louisiana's Department of Health has quietly implemented a policy that prevents its employees from promoting vaccines for COVID-19, influenza, and mpox. 现在禁止工作人员宣传疫苗供应、进行访谈或主办疫苗活动。 Staff are now prohibited from advertising vaccine availability, conducting interviews, or hosting vaccine events. 公共卫生专家担心这可能会增加发病率,损害对公共卫生的信任。 Public health experts worry this could increase disease rates and undermine trust in public health. 由于路易斯安那州面临高流感率和担心联邦健康准则可能发生转变,因此政策发生了改变。 The policy change comes as Louisiana faces high flu rates and amid concerns over potential shifts in federal health guidelines.