前阿拉巴马州警察中士因殴打一名被捕者被判处16个月徒刑。 Former Alabama police sergeant sentenced to 16 months for assaulting an arrestee.
前阿拉巴马州警察中士Ryan Phillips因殴打被捕者,造成伤痕和瘀伤,被判处16个月监禁。 Former Alabama police sergeant Ryan Phillips was sentenced to 16 months in prison for assaulting an arrestee, causing lacerations and bruises. Phillips在事发前摘下警徽和枪,因侵犯被捕者的公民权利而认罪。 Phillips, who removed his badge and gun before the incident, pleaded guilty to violating the arrestee's civil rights. 司法部强调执法部门应对不当行为负责,并强调徽章不能成为对被捕者过度使用武力的理由。 The Justice Department emphasized holding law enforcement accountable for misconduct, stressing that a badge does not justify excessive force against arrestees.