由Zomato等电子商务公司领导的印度技术部门正在蓬勃发展,吸引了全球投资者。 India's tech sector, led by e-commerce firms like Zomato, is booming, attracting global investors.
印度的技术部门,特别是电子商务,正在蓬勃发展,在全球吸引投资者。 India's tech sector, especially e-commerce, is booming, attracting investors globally. EMQQ Global 创始人 Kevin Carter 强调了这一增长,他支持了 INQQ The India Internet ETF,该 ETF 今年上涨了 21%。 Kevin Carter, founder of EMQQ Global, highlights this growth, backing the INQQ The India Internet ETF, which has risen 21% this year. 佐马托(Zomato)经常被称为“印度的门达什(DoorDash of India)”, 今年其股票增长了128%。 Zomato, often called "the DoorDash of India," has seen its stock increase by 128% this year. 卡特(Carter)将增长归因于印度大量人口上网。 Carter attributes the growth to India's large population gaining online access.