瑞典企业EQT合作伙伴在印度的投资目标超过50亿美元,在技术和AI方面眼睛增长。 Swedish firm EQT Partners exceeds $5 billion investment target in India, eyes growth in tech and AI.
瑞典EQT公司伙伴在印度的投资超过60亿美元,超过了50亿美元的目标。 Swedish firm EQT Partners has invested over $6 billion in India, surpassing its $5 billion target. 该公司对科技、医疗、房地产和基础设施等部门持乐观态度。 The company is optimistic about sectors like tech, healthcare, realty, and infrastructure. 尽管面临高资产价格等挑战,但EQT计划进一步投资,看到在AI和技术服务方面的机会。 EQT plans further investments, seeing opportunities in AI and tech services despite challenges like high asset prices. 该公司的目标是保持估价纪律,同时在印度扩展,它视印度为关键的投资目的地。 The firm aims to maintain discipline in valuation while expanding in India, which it views as a key investment destination.