德国总理对慕尼黑的市场袭击造成近40人受伤表示关切。 German Chancellor expresses concern over market attack in Munich that injured nearly 40 people.
德国总理对最近在慕尼黑发生的市场袭击深表关切,这次袭击造成近40人严重受伤。 The German Chancellor expressed deep concern over a recent market attack in Munich that left nearly 40 people with severe injuries. 袭击者向拥挤的购物区开火,造成多人伤亡。 The attacker opened fire in a crowded shopping area, causing multiple casualties. 当局正在调查这一事件,总理强调伤员的危急状况。 Authorities are investigating the incident, with the Chancellor highlighting the critical condition of the injured.