侦探们在客户举报欺诈行为后 调查在华盛顿信用社偷盗自动取款机的可能性 Detectives investigate potential ATM skimming at Washington credit union after customer reports fraud.
华盛顿Kitsap县的警探正在调查在Silverdale的连接信用社可能发生的自动取款机冲洗事件。 Detectives in Kitsap County, Washington, are investigating a potential ATM skimming incident at the Connection Credit Union in Silverdale, after a customer reported fraudulent activity. 监控录像显示,在19天内有两三个蒙面人篡改自动取款机。 Surveillance footage revealed two or three masked individuals tampering with the ATM over 19 days. 失密借记卡的数目不详。 The number of compromised debit cards is unknown. 建议受影响的顾客与其银行联系,并报告任何可疑活动。 Affected customers are advised to contact their banks and report any suspicious activity.