在Idaho Falls' Winco和Walmart发现信用卡偷盗者;客户建议注意欺诈行为。 Credit card skimmers found at Idaho Falls' Winco and Walmart; customers advised to watch for fraud.
Idaho Falls的警察在Winco和Walmart商店发现了信用卡偷盗者,可能是一个旅行犯罪团伙所放置的。 Police in Idaho Falls have discovered credit card skimmers at Winco and Walmart stores, likely placed by a traveling criminal group. 这些装置是在12月21日至22日之间发现的,目的是收集财务卡信息。 The devices were found between December 21st and 22nd and were designed to collect financial card information. 在此期间在这些商店使用其卡片的店主被建议监测其账户,以发现任何可疑活动。 Shoppers who used their cards at these stores during that time are advised to monitor their accounts for any suspicious activity.