加拿大颁布了新的杂货竞争规则,将租赁协议定为降低食品成本的目标。 Canada enacts new grocery competition rules, targeting lease agreements to lower food costs.
12月15日生效的加拿大《竞争法》新修正案旨在通过审查商业租赁中的“排他性条款”和“限制性契约”来增加杂货竞争。 New amendments to Canada's Competition Act, effective December 15, aim to increase grocery competition by scrutinizing "exclusivity clauses" and "restrictive covenants" in commercial leases. 竞争局现在可以调查房东和租户之间的协议,即使它们不是直接竞争者,也可能影响企业经营和食品价格。 The Competition Bureau can now investigate agreements between landlords and tenants, even if they are not direct competitors, potentially impacting business operations and food prices. 这些变化的实际影响和强制执行情况仍然不确定。 The practical impact and enforcement of these changes remain uncertain.