柬埔寨报告麻疹复发375例,敦促为儿童接种疫苗。 Cambodia reports measles resurgence with 375 cases; vaccination urged for children.
柬埔寨卫生部报告说,2024年麻疹明显复发,确诊病例375例。 Cambodia's Ministry of Health has reported a significant resurgence of measles in 2024, with 375 confirmed cases. 高度传染性病毒可导致严重疾病,特别是在幼儿中。 The highly contagious virus can lead to severe illness, particularly in young children. 该部注意到学校和边境省份的病例增加,并敦促父母让其9至59个月大的子女在保健中心免费接种疫苗。 The ministry has noted an increase in cases in schools and border provinces and is urging parents to get their children aged nine to 59 months vaccinated for free at health centers. 症状包括发烧、咳嗽、流鼻涕、红眼睛、嘴中的白点以及随后的红疹。 Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes, white spots inside the mouth, and a subsequent red rash.