随着麻疹从越南最近爆发的疫情蔓延,悉尼发布了卫生警报。 Health alert issued in Sydney as measles spreads from recent outbreak in Vietnam.
澳大利亚新南威尔士卫生当局在有人从越南返回后向西悉尼发出了麻疹警报,那里正在爆发麻疹。 Health authorities in New South Wales, Australia, have issued a measles alert for western Sydney after a person returned from Vietnam, where a measles outbreak is ongoing. 1月18日前往Berala诊所看病的患者, 包括发烧、流鼻血、咳嗽及红疹等症状, Those who visited a clinic in Berala on January 18 are advised to monitor for symptoms, which include fever, runny nose, cough, and a red rash. 1965年以后出生的、没有两剂疫苗的人可以免费获得麻疹-麻疹-风疹疫苗。 The measles-mumps-rubella vaccine is available free for those born after 1965 who haven't had two doses.