世界银行批准8亿美元的贷款,将印度的阿马拉瓦蒂发展成一个具有气候抗御能力的城市。 The World Bank approves an $800 million loan to develop Amaravati, India, into a climate-resilient city.
世界银行批准了8亿美元的贷款,用于发展印度安得拉邦的一个城市阿马拉瓦蒂,目的是建立一个气候抗御型增长中心,改善生活条件和就业机会。 The World Bank has approved an $800 million loan to develop Amaravati, a city in India's Andhra Pradesh, aiming to create a climate-resilient growth center with better living conditions and job opportunities. 这项贷款支持该市的基础设施和机构,重点是让公民参与规划和吸引私人投资。 The loan supports the city's infrastructure and institutions, with a focus on involving citizens in planning and attracting private investment. 该市计划在2050年之前容纳多达350万人。 The city plans to accommodate up to 3.5 million people by 2050.