亚行批准向印度提供5亿美元贷款,用于发展具有气候抗御能力的基础设施。 The ADB approved a $500M loan to India for developing climate-resilient infrastructure.
亚洲开发银行(亚行)批准向印度提供5亿美元的贷款,以支持环境上可持续的基础设施的发展。 The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a $500 million loan to India to support the development of environmentally sustainable infrastructure. 这项有主权担保的贷款将帮助印度基础设施融资有限公司(IIFCL)为互联互通、能源过渡、城市发展、教育和医疗保健等领域的项目提供长期资本。 The loan, with a sovereign guarantee, will help India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL) provide long-term capital for projects in areas like connectivity, energy transition, urban development, education, and healthcare. 该倡议旨在解决印度巨大的气候融资缺口,并促进可持续基础设施,以抵御气候风险。 This initiative aims to address India’s significant climate financing gap and promote sustainable infrastructure that can withstand climate risks.