美联储的通货膨胀数据预计会略有增加,表明通货膨胀可能正在缓和。 US PCE inflation data expected to show modest increase, suggesting inflation may be easing.
即将到期的USCE通货膨胀数据预计将略有上升,核心PCE价格每月上涨0.1%至0.3%,每年上涨2.8%至3.0%。 US PCE inflation data, due out soon, is expected to show a modest increase, with core PCE prices rising between 0.1% and 0.3% month-on-month and 2.8% to 3.0% year-on-year. 11 月数据显示涨幅小于预期,月度 PCE 和核心 PCE 均上涨 0.1%,表明通胀可能正在缓解。 November data showed smaller-than-expected increases, with both monthly PCE and core PCE rising 0.1%, suggesting inflation may be easing. 这可能影响美联储的货币政策,缓解对高利率的压力,有利于拉丁美洲的经济增长。 This could influence the Federal Reserve's monetary policy and ease pressure for high interest rates, benefiting economic growth in Latin America. 然而,今后的通货膨胀趋势仍然不确定。 However, future inflation trends remain uncertain.