英国的报告呼吁更严格地让家长参与解决学校的学生行为问题。 UK report calls for stricter parent involvement to tackle student behavior issues in schools.
托尼·布莱尔全球变化研究所建议重塑英格兰学校的家长-教师关系, 以解决严重的学生行为问题。 The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change recommends resetting the parent-teacher relationship in England’s schools to address severe student behavior issues. 学校将获得权力,迫使家庭为破坏性学生商定行动计划,如果父母不合作,能够将关切升级到保护机构。 Schools would gain the power to compel families to agree on action plans for disruptive students, with the ability to escalate concerns to safeguarding agencies if parents do not cooperate. 报告警告说,不良行为正在损害学习成果,驱赶教师离开学校,敦促政府将这一行为危机作为紧急优先事项处理。 The report warns that poor behavior is harming learning outcomes and driving teachers away, urging the government to treat this behavior crisis as an urgent priority.