印度最高法院允许银行为逾期的信用卡债务制定自己的利率。 Supreme Court of India lets banks set their own interest rates for overdue credit card debts.
印度最高法院推翻了先前的一项裁决,即限制银行对逾期信用卡债务收取不超过30%的利息。 The Supreme Court of India has overturned a previous ruling that limited banks to charging no more than 30% interest on overdue credit card debts. 国家消费者争端补救委员会认为较高的利率不公平。 The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission had deemed higher interest rates unfair. 最高法院的裁决现在允许各银行在多家银行提出上诉后,为延迟付款设定自己的利率。 The Supreme Court's decision now allows banks to set their own interest rates for late payments, following appeals from several banks.