包括儿童在内的六名孟加拉国国民在印度因非法企图以假身份证出境而被捕。 Six Bangladeshi nationals, including children, arrested in India for illegal exit attempt with fake IDs.
6名孟加拉国国民,包括2名儿童,因企图非法离开该国在印度特里普拉被捕。 Six Bangladeshi nationals, including two children, were arrested in Tripura, India, for attempting to illegally leave the country. 该组从德里进入印度寻找工作,但被发现时持有假身份证。 The group, which had entered India from Delhi in search of work, was found with fake IDs. 在过去5个月中,570多名孟加拉国国民在特里普拉被捕。 Over 570 Bangladeshi nationals have been apprehended in Tripura in the past five months. 边界安全部队加强了行动,以遏制非法越境和走私活动。 The Border Security Force has intensified operations to curb illegal border crossings and smuggling.