6名孟加拉国人在印度因非法入境和以伪造证件就业而被捕。 Six Bangladeshis arrested in India for illegal entry and employment with fake documents.
11月18日,六名孟加拉国国民在印度Chitradurga因使用假证件,包括Aadhaar卡和护照非法入境和就业而被捕。 Six Bangladeshi nationals were arrested in Chitradurga, India, on November 18 for illegal entry and employment using fake documents, including Aadhaar cards and passports. 这些人多年前通过西孟加拉进入印度,在不同州工作。 The individuals entered India through West Bengal years ago and had been working in different states. 伪造文件被没收,并正在采取法律行动。 The fake documents were confiscated, and legal actions are being pursued.