三名孟加拉国人因非法进入印度在Agartala火车站被捕。 Three Bangladeshis arrested for illegal entry into India at Agartala Railway Station.
三名孟加拉国国民因非法入境在印度特里普拉的Agartala火车站被捕。 Three Bangladeshi nationals were arrested at Agartala Railway Station in Tripura, India, for illegal entry. 这一行动涉及多个安全部队,包括铁路警察、保护部队和边境安全部队。 The operation involved multiple security forces, including the Railway Police, Protection Force, and Border Security Force. 嫌犯年龄分别为19岁、20岁和30岁,他们前往加尔各答,正在接受审讯。 The suspects, aged 19, 20, and 30, were headed to Kolkata and are under interrogation. 预计将有更多的人被捕,嫌疑人将于星期一出庭。 More arrests are expected, and the suspects will appear in court on Monday.