加拿大太平洋堪萨斯市假日列车与现场表演于周六和周日抵达苏德伯里。 The Canadian Pacific Kansas City Holiday Train, with live performances, arrives in Sudbury on Saturday and Sunday.
加拿大太平洋堪萨斯市假日火车将于11月30日星期六晚上9时15分抵达安大略苏德伯里,位于Elgin街VIA火车站。 The Canadian Pacific Kansas City Holiday Train will arrive in Sudbury, Ontario, on Saturday, November 30th, at 9:15 p.m. at the Elgin Street VIA Train Station. 列车将以节日灯光装饰, 泰勒·肖和沙尼·基什将在节日现场表演, The train, decorated with festive lights, will feature live holiday performances by Tyler Shaw and Shanee Kish and offer complimentary hot chocolate. 然后在3号Spencer Ave的Cartier举行星期天节目,从上午10点45分开始。 It will then move to Cartier at 3 Spencer Ave. for a Sunday show starting at 10:45 a.m.