美国弗吉尼亚州布朗格罗夫的Wegmans分销中心在2017年获得批准, 面临着对切萨皮克湾法违法,噪音条例和社区保护的法律斗争. 2017 approved Wegmans distribution center in Brown Grove, VA, facing legal battle over Chesapeake Bay Act violations, noise ordinance, and neighborhood protections.
在2017年批准成立170万平方英尺配送中心后, 南威尔士州Hanover的Brown Grove居民继续合法与Wegmans食品市场及县抗争。 Brown Grove residents in Hanover, VA continue their legal battle against Wegmans Food Markets and the county over the 2017 approval of a 1.7 million-square-foot distribution center. 指控包括违反《切萨皮克湾保护法》、噪音法令和邻里保护不足。 Allegations include violations of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act, noise ordinance, and inadequate neighborhood protections. 此案已经提交上诉法院,关注Wegmans卡车对当地道路的影响,以及社区要求负责任地取得进展并保护其历史乡村社区。 The case has reached the Court of Appeals, with concerns over the impact of Wegmans trucks on local roads and the community's demands for responsible progress and preservation of their historic, rural neighborhood.