普京指控Google和YouTube在俄罗斯进行政治操纵和服务减速。 Putin accuses Google and YouTube of political manipulation and service slowdowns in Russia.
俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)指控谷歌和YouTube操纵俄罗斯政治, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Google and YouTube of political manipulation and slowing down service in Russia, demanding compliance with Russian laws. 尽管YouTube否认责任, 但批评者认为速度问题可能是限制访问批评普京政府的内容的策略。 Critics suggest the speed issues may be a tactic to limit access to content critical of Putin's government, though YouTube denies responsibility. Russian Internet监测员报告经常断电, 但通信监管者否认封锁YouTube的流量。 Russian internet monitors have reported frequent outages, but the communications regulator denies blocking YouTube traffic. Google因指控违反当地法律, 在过去三年内在俄罗斯面临巨额罚款。 Google faces substantial fines in Russia over the past three years for alleged violations of local laws.