男子用卢比硬币支付临时赡养费;法官用纸币命令支付赡养费。 Man pays interim alimony with rupee coins; judge orders payment in currency notes instead.
在印度Coimbatore, 一名男子试图向离散的妻子支付80,000卢比的临时赡养费,使用家庭法院的1卢比和2卢比硬币。 A man in Coimbatore, India, attempted to pay Rs 80,000 in interim alimony to his estranged wife using bundles of Rs 1 and Rs 2 coins at the family court. 法官要求他用钞票支付。 After the unusual payment went viral on social media, the judge asked him to pay in currency notes instead. 第二天,这名男子服从命令,法院指示他尽快支付剩余的1.2万卢比。 The man complied the next day, and the court instructed him to pay the remaining Rs 1.2 lakh soon.