印度最高法院将赡养费限于前妻的需要,而非前夫的财富。 India's Supreme Court limits alimony to ex-wife's needs, not ex-husband's wealth.
印度最高法院裁定,赡养费不应被用来使前配偶之间的财富平等。 The Supreme Court of India has ruled that alimony should not be used to equalize wealth between ex-spouses. 它拒绝了一位妇女关于500卢比的恳求,取而代之的是授予她的12卢比,并强调赡养费应该考虑到前妻的需要,而不仅仅是前夫的财富。 It rejected a woman's plea for Rs 500 crore, awarding her Rs 12 crore instead, and emphasized that alimony should consider the ex-wife’s needs, not just the ex-husband's wealth. 法院还指出,不能指望丈夫根据前妻的经济状况无限期地保留其前妻。 The court also stated that a husband cannot be expected to maintain his ex-wife according to his financial status indefinitely.