印度海关在印多尔机场从一名乘客手中缴获了将近32 000美元未申报的外币。 Indian customs seized nearly $32,000 in undeclared foreign currency from a passenger at Indore airport.
Indore机场的印度海关官员因缺乏适当证件,从前往Sharjah的旅客手中缴获了价值约26万卢比的外币。 Indian customs officials at Indore's airport seized foreign currency worth about Rs 26 lakh from a passenger traveling to Sharjah due to lack of proper documentation. 这名乘客持有多种货币,包括美元和欧元,未能解释来源或提供所需的法律文件,违反了印度的几项金融出口法律。 The passenger, found with multiple currencies including US dollars and euros, failed to explain the source or provide required legal papers, violating several Indian financial export laws. 案件正在调查中。 The case is under investigation.