不列颠哥伦比亚至少有64人因与生牡蛎有关的诺罗病毒而生病;收获区关闭。 At least 64 fall ill in BC from norovirus linked to raw oysters; harvesting areas closed.
自11月以来,不列颠哥伦比亚省至少有64人因食用当地餐馆和商店的生牡蛎而患上诺罗病毒性症状,病倒。 At least 64 people in British Columbia have fallen ill with norovirus-like symptoms after eating raw oysters from local restaurants and stores since November. 联邦机构在调查疫情时暂时关闭了贝恩斯湾部分地区的贝类捕捞区。 Federal agencies have temporarily closed shellfish harvesting areas, including parts of Baynes Sound, as they investigate the outbreak. 卫生官员建议将牡蛎煮至 90°C 90 秒以杀死病毒,并警告有脱水风险,尤其是对弱势群体。 Health officials advise cooking oysters to 90°C for 90 seconds to kill the virus and warn of dehydration risks, especially for vulnerable groups.