不列颠哥伦比亚白岩附近塌方 阻止Amtrak在西雅图和温哥华之间的服务48小时 Landslide near White Rock, BC, halts Amtrak service between Seattle and Vancouver for 48 hours.
不列颠哥伦比亚省White Rock附近的滑坡已停止了在西雅图和温哥华之间的Amtrak客运服务,BNSF铁路公司暂停服务48小时。 A landslide near White Rock, British Columbia, has halted Amtrak passenger service between Seattle and Vancouver, with BNSF Railway imposing a 48-hour suspension on service. 阿姆特拉克公司将为受影响乘客提供类似启程时间的公共汽车服务,为希望更改预订的人免除额外费用。 Amtrak will provide bus services with similar departure times for affected passengers, waiving additional fees for those who wish to change their reservations. 正常列车服务预计在星期五恢复。 Normal train service is expected to resume on Friday.