匈牙利向面临指控、与波兰紧张关系升级的波兰前官员提供庇护。 Hungary grants asylum to Polish ex-official facing charges, escalating tension with Poland.
匈牙利已给予波兰前副司法部长Marcin Romanowski庇护,他在波兰面临指控,包括参与有组织犯罪和滥用权力。 Hungary has granted asylum to Marcin Romanowski, a former Polish deputy minister of justice, who faces charges in Poland including involvement in organized crime and abuse of power. 这一决定是在波兰和匈牙利之间关系紧张的情况下作出的,匈牙利对波兰的公平审判和政治影响力表示关切。 The decision comes amid tensions between Poland and Hungary, with Hungary citing concerns about a fair trial and political influence in Poland. Romanowski在因赔偿基金管理不善而发出逮捕令之后躲藏起来。 Romanowski went into hiding after an arrest warrant was issued in connection with mismanagement at a compensation fund.