Francis Vandevoord和Jamie Rumsey面临与致命过量有关的毒品指控。 Francis Vandevoord and Jamie Rumsey face drug charges linked to a fatal overdose.
Francis Vandevord和Jamie Rumsey被指控犯有与62岁的Benny Weeks死亡有关的多种毒品罪行,据称他死于海洛因/芬太尼过量。 Francis Vandevoord and Jamie Rumsey have been charged with multiple drug offenses in connection with the death of 62-year-old Benny Weeks, who allegedly died from a heroin/fentanyl overdose. 指控包括拥有、出售和阴谋交付附表二所列受控物质。 The charges include possession, sale, and conspiracy to deliver Schedule II controlled substances. 两名嫌疑人都在监狱里,等待验尸和毒理学报告完成后预计将提出的进一步指控。 Both suspects are in jail awaiting further charges expected after the completion of the autopsy and toxicology reports.