学校董事会成员Frankie Crosby死于吸毒过量;嫌疑人因供应而被捕。 School board member Frankie Crosby died from a drug overdose; suspect arrested for supply.
一名67岁的学校董事会成员Frankie Crosby因吸毒过量(涉及可卡因和芬太尼)被发现在卡车中死亡。 A 67-year-old school board member, Frankie Crosby, was found dead in his truck due to a drug overdose involving cocaine and fentanyl. 来自富兰克林顿的50岁男子Dayon Dyson于12月7日被捕,罪名是散发芬太尼和二级谋杀,涉嫌提供毒品。 Dayon Dyson, a 50-year-old man from Franklinton, was arrested on December 7 on charges of distributing fentanyl and second-degree murder, suspected of supplying the drugs. 由多个执法机构牵头的调查继续进行,并可能提出更多指控。 The investigation, led by multiple law enforcement agencies, continues with potential additional charges.