前军官Mark Cranfield 犯有发送不适当信息 和错误处理报复性色情 受害者的数据。 Former officer Mark Cranfield guilty of sending inappropriate messages and mishandling revenge porn victim's data.
前警官Mark Cranfield被判犯有不当行为和擅自查阅计算机记录的罪行。 Former police officer Mark Cranfield has been found guilty of misconduct and unauthorized access to computer records. 他向一个举报报复性色情制品的弱势妇女发送了不适当的信息,并提出了朋友请求。 He sent inappropriate messages and a friend request to a vulnerable woman who had reported revenge porn. Cranfield在工作电话上保留了她亲密的图像和视频,并将其传送到WhessApp账户。 Cranfield kept intimate images and videos of her on his work phone and forwarded them to a WhatsApp account. 他被免除一项不当行为指控,但将面临预期的立即监禁判决。 He was cleared of one misconduct charge but faces an expected immediate custodial sentence.