警官因向14岁女孩发送色情信息而被解雇; Police officer fired for sending explicit messages to 14-year-old girl; deemed predatory misconduct.
警察Matthew Hunt向一名在值班时遇到的14岁女孩发出性明确信息后,被解职。 Police officer Matthew Hunt was dismissed after sending sexually explicit messages to a 14-year-old girl he met while on duty. Hunt的行为被视为掠夺性行为,构成严重不当行为。 Hunt's actions were deemed predatory and amounted to gross misconduct. 该女子学校发现他们计划会面,Hunt在不当行为听证会前承认他的行为。 The girl's school discovered their planned meeting, and Hunt admitted to his actions before the misconduct hearing. 警察局长向受害者及其家人表示遗憾,称亨特的行为是警方的耻辱。 The chief constable expressed regret to the victim and her family, calling Hunt's behavior a disgrace to the police. Hunt被增列入禁止的警官名单。 Hunt was added to the barred list of police officers.