警方指控他未经同意访问和分发被拘留者的私密照片. RCMP officer charged with accessing and distributing detainee's intimate photos without consent.
红鹿皇家骑警军官,康斯特。 A Red Deer RCMP officer, Const. Matthew Villeneve被控在接受医疗期间未经同意从被拘留者的手机上获取和散发私密照片。 Matthew Villeneuve, has been charged after allegedly accessing and distributing intimate photos from a detainee's phone without consent while the person was receiving medical treatment. 这一事件发生于2023年11月23日, 并导致违反信任及未经同意传播亲密图像的指控。 The incident occurred on November 23, 2023, and led to charges of breach of trust and distributing intimate images without consent. ASIRT在事件发生后调查了该案件。 ASIRT investigated the case following the incident.