Waupaca县的一次致命事故涉及一辆汽车撞上电线杆;怀疑有酒。 A fatal crash in Waupaca County involved a vehicle hitting a utility pole; alcohol is suspected.
12月18日下午10时30分左右,在Buelow路与T号公路交汇处,Waupaca县发生致命的单车撞车事故。 该车辆向南行驶,未能穿越曲线,撞上电线杆。 A fatal single-vehicle crash occurred in Waupaca County on December 18 around 10:30 p.m. on Buelow Road at the intersection with County Highway T. The vehicle, traveling south, failed to navigate a curve and struck a utility pole. 司机在现场被宣布死亡,一名乘客被空运到当地一家医院。 The driver was pronounced dead at the scene, and a passenger was airlifted to a local hospital. 酒精被怀疑是坠机事件的一个因素,该事故仍在调查之中。 Alcohol is suspected as a factor in the crash, which is still under investigation.