11月13日,南卡罗来纳州Sumter县发生车祸,造成1人死亡,2人住院。 A car crash in Sumter County, South Carolina, killed one and hospitalized two on November 13.
11月13日, 南卡罗来纳州苏姆特县发生单一车辆撞车事故, 造成一人死亡、两人住院。 A single-vehicle crash in Sumter County, South Carolina, on November 13 resulted in one death and two hospitalizations. 事故涉及2006年一辆本田轿车,该车离开了公路,撞上了一棵树和一道栅栏。 The accident involved a 2006 Honda sedan that left the road and hit a tree and a fence. 后座乘客后来在医院死亡,而司机和另一名乘客则住院治疗。 The back seat passenger died later in the hospital, while the driver and another passenger were hospitalized. 南卡罗来纳州公路巡逻队正在调查车辆驶离公路的原因。 The South Carolina Highway Patrol is investigating the cause of the vehicle veering off the road.