一次电子摩托车电池爆炸在圣诞节前几天摧毁了伦敦的一个家,引发了消防安全警告。 An e-bike battery explosion devastated a London home days before Christmas, prompting fire safety warnings.
伦敦一家家庭在圣诞节前几天被电动自行车电池爆炸毁了, An e-bike battery explosion destroyed a family home in London just days before Christmas, with the London Fire Brigade warning of the dangers of e-bikes and e-scooters. 这起事件是今年在伦敦报道的大约160起此类火灾之一。 This incident, where the e-bike was being charged at the time, is one of around 160 such fires reported in London this year. 火灾造成严重伤害,凸显了不受管制的销售风险和向有信誉的卖方购买的重要性。 The fire caused serious injuries and highlighted the risks of unregulated sales and the importance of purchasing from reputable sellers. 电气安全第一建议消费者只从高街零售商购买,以确保安全。 Electrical Safety First advises consumers to buy only from high-street retailers to ensure safety.