Carroll县的汽车校车碰撞造成司机受伤,道路关闭4小时。 Car-school bus collision in Carroll County injures driver, leaves road closed for four hours.
一辆汽车和一辆校车于星期四上午在卡罗尔县汉普斯特德的汉诺威派克发生正面碰撞。 A head-on collision between a car and a school bus occurred on Hanover Pike in Hampstead, Carroll County, on Thursday morning. 汽车司机受重伤,但伤势非致命,被空运到巴尔的摩的休克创伤中心。 The car's driver was severely injured but with non-life-threatening injuries and was airlifted to Shock Trauma in Baltimore. 这名公共汽车司机和一名5岁学生没有受伤,尽管该学生被送往医院进行评估。 The bus driver and a 5-year-old student were unharmed, though the student was taken to the hospital for evaluation. 道路被关闭了大约4小时,事件正在调查之中。 The road was closed for about four hours, and the incident is under investigation.