9 月 13 日,马里兰州查尔斯县公共汽车与自卸卡车相撞,造成 3 人死亡。 3 individuals die in Charles County, Maryland bus crash with dump truck on September 13.
马里兰州查尔斯县发生正面碰撞,导致3人从一辆老年生活公共汽车上死亡。 A head-on collision in Charles County, Maryland, resulted in the deaths of three individuals from a senior living bus. 车祸发生在 9 月 13 日上午 8 点左右,当时公共汽车失去控制并越过迎面而来的车辆,与一辆自卸卡车相撞。 The crash occurred around 8 a.m. on September 13 when the bus lost control and crossed into oncoming traffic, colliding with a dump truck. 公共汽车司机和两名乘客被打死,垃圾卡车司机没有受伤。 The bus driver and two passengers were killed, while the dump truck driver was unharmed. 马里兰州警察正在调查,认为损伤不是一个因素。 Maryland State Police are investigating, and impairment is not believed to be a factor.