NH省Walpole的校车与一辆汽车一起撞车,杀死司机,严重打伤公共汽车司机,关闭12号公路。 School bus crash with a car in Walpole, NH, kills driver, injures bus driver seriously, closes Route 12.
2024年11月13日在新罕布什尔州Walpole的12号公路发生正面碰撞,涉及一辆校车和一辆汽车。 A head-on collision on Route 12 in Walpole, New Hampshire, on November 13, 2024, involved a school bus and a car. 司机死亡,公共汽车司机因重伤被空运。 The car driver died, and the bus driver was airlifted for serious injuries. 巴士上的两名学生受轻伤。 Two students on the bus had minor injuries. 12号公路暂时关闭,调查仍在进行之中。 Route 12 was temporarily closed, and the investigation is ongoing.