苏格兰政府提议将单车道公路的车速限制降低到50英里,以加强安全。 Scottish Government proposes lowering speed limits on single carriageway roads to 50mph to boost safety.
苏格兰政府建议将单车道道路的车速限制从60mph减到50mph,目的是改善道路安全,减少伤员碰撞。 The Scottish Government proposes reducing speed limits on single carriageway roads from 60mph to 50mph, aiming to improve road safety and reduce injury collisions. 同时,重型货运车辆(HGVs)超过7.5吨的车速限制在单行道上将从40厘米增加到50厘米,双行道上从50厘米增加到60厘米。 Meanwhile, speed limits for heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) over 7.5 tonnes would increase from 40mph to 50mph on single carriageways and from 50mph to 60mph on dual carriageways. 这些变化是公共协商的一部分,其依据是《国家速度管理审查》,该审查指出,这些修订可以大大减少道路事故,而不会影响行程时间。 The changes, part of a public consultation, are based on the National Speed Management Review, which suggests the revisions could significantly decrease road accidents without impacting journey times. 协商会寻求公众反馈,直到3月5日。 The consultation seeks public feedback until March 5th.