在马萨诸塞州附近发现两种濒危的北大西洋右鲸,即400岁以下人口的一部分,被缠绕在一起。 Two endangered North Atlantic right whales, part of a population under 400, were found entangled off Massachusetts.
在马萨诸塞州附近的渔具中发现了两个濒危的北大西洋右鲸,其人口不足400人,其中1名青少年可能因受伤而死亡。 Two endangered North Atlantic right whales, with a population of less than 400, were found entangled in fishing gear off Massachusetts, with one juvenile likely to die from its injuries. 这一发现在南塔基特东南约50英里处发现,突显了这些鲸鱼受到缠绕和船舶碰撞的威胁,促使人们呼吁制定更严格的捕捞和航运条例来保护这些物种。 The discovery, made about 50 miles southeast of Nantucket, underscores the threats these whales face from entanglement and ship collisions, prompting calls for stricter fishing and shipping regulations to protect the species.