64岁的Tony Humby面临贩运未成年人的新指控,加上72项现有的性虐待指控。 Tony Humby, 64, faces new charges for trafficking minors, adding to 72 existing sex abuse charges.
64岁的Tony Humby面临7项贩运18岁以下未成年人的新指控,加上72项与性虐待年轻男子和青少年有关的现有指控。 Tony Humby, 64, faces seven new charges of trafficking minors under 18, adding to his 72 existing charges related to sexually abusing young men and teenagers. 指控源自2022年11月开始的调查。 The charges stem from an investigation that began in November 2022. 82岁的同案被告Bruce Escott已经认罪7项指控。 Co-accused Bruce Escott, 82, has already pleaded guilty to seven charges. 在纽芬兰省和拉布拉多省,这类贩运指控很少见,过去15年中只有两起类似案件。 These trafficking charges are rare in Newfoundland and Labrador, with only two similar cases in the past 15 years.