在俄克拉荷马城,在OBN调查后逮捕了2名贩运未成年女童嫌疑人。 2 underage girls trafficking suspects arrested in Oklahoma City, following an OBN investigation.
Tony Ray Polly和Latavia Sharay Robins在俄克拉荷马市被捕,据称他们贩运了两名未成年女孩,这是在俄克拉荷马州缉毒局于7月开始调查之后被捕的。 Tony Ray Polly and Latavia Sharay Robins were arrested in Oklahoma City for allegedly trafficking two underage girls, following an investigation by the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics that began in July. 他们被指控在商业性色情网站上张贴广告,并安排客户与受害者会面。 They are accused of posting ads on commercial sex websites and arranging meetings between clients and the victims. 两名嫌疑人都面临多重指控,受害者已经找到并正在接受援助。 Both suspects face multiple charges, while the victims have been recovered and are receiving assistance. OBN鼓励举报可疑的贩运行为。 The OBN encourages reporting of suspected trafficking.