研究发现葡萄牙最适合在欧洲迁移的英国家庭,提供负担得起的儿童保育和低费用。 Study finds Portugal best for British families relocating in Europe, with affordable childcare and low costs.
根据威廉·罗素的国际健康保险专家的一项研究,葡萄牙是英国家庭迁居的最佳欧洲国家,其次是瑞典、意大利、西班牙和芬兰。 According to a study by William Russell's international health insurance experts, Portugal is the best European country for British families to relocate to, followed by Sweden, Italy, Spain, and Finland. 葡萄牙在负担得起的托儿服务(占家庭收入的5%)、低水电费(每月94英镑)和合理的住房价格(每平方米209英镑)方面表现突出。 Portugal stands out for affordable childcare (5% of household income), low utility costs (£94 monthly), and reasonable housing prices (£209 per square meter). 瑞典在欧洲最廉价的托儿服务以及更好的工作与生活平衡方面名列第二。 Sweden ranks second with the cheapest childcare in Europe and a better work-life balance.