研究发现月经杯安全,但对首次使用者来说具有挑战性,强调需要更好的教育。 Study finds menstrual cups safe but challenging for first-time users, highlighting need for better education.
最近对530名15至24岁青年进行的一项研究发现,虽然月经杯是安全、可持续和具有成本效益的,但对于首次使用者来说,这些杯子可能具有挑战性。 A recent study of 530 young people aged 15-24 found that while menstrual cups are safe, sustainable, and cost-effective, they can be challenging for first-time users. 许多人经历了痛苦、不适、在插入和清除方面遇到困难。 Many experienced pain, discomfort, and difficulties with insertion and removal. 第一次试杯时只成功插入10%的杯子 。 Only 10% successfully inserted the cup on their first try. 该研究发现,随着时间的推移,经验有所改善,强调需要更好的教育和支助,建议在学校开展全面的月经健康教育,以帮助青年人作出知情选择。 The study, which found that experiences improved over time, highlighted the need for better education and support, suggesting comprehensive menstrual health education in schools to help young people make informed choices.