26岁的Shashonnie Williams 4月因63岁的Billy Smith的致命肇事逃逸而被捕。 Shashonnie Williams, 26, arrested for fatal hit-and-run of 63-year-old Billy Smith in April.
26岁的Shashonnie Williams因与4月驾驶公园大桥63岁的Billy Smith的致命肇事逃逸事件有关而被捕。 Shashonnie Williams, 26, has been arrested in connection with the fatal hit-and-run of Billy Smith, 63, on Driving Park Bridge in April. Williams先前根据Leandra的法律被DWI定罪,因篡改证据而面临指控。 Williams, previously convicted of DWI under Leandra's Law, faces charges for tampering with evidence. 自10月以来,他因未出席DWI判刑听证会而被关押。 He was in custody since October for failing to appear at a DWI sentencing hearing. 目击者报告说,一辆鲁莽的汽车撞中史密斯并逃跑。 Witnesses reported a reckless car hitting Smith and fleeing. 他的下个法庭日期是2025年1月21日。 His next court date is January 21, 2025.