Teen Eric被Holden Van Smith袭击并撞过,在多次手术后幸免于重伤。 Teen Eric, attacked and run over by Holden Van Smith, survives severe injuries after multiple surgeries.
Eric, 19岁,来自伊利诺伊州,在Bettendendorf被Holden Van Smith蓄意撞倒,严重受伤,包括脸部骨折、颈部骨折和腿部复形骨折。 Eric, a 19-year-old from Illinois, was intentionally run over by Holden Van Smith in Bettendorf, suffering severe injuries including broken bones in his face, a broken neck, and a compound fracture in his leg. Eric忍受了八次手术,现在准备出院,尽管他仍需要持续的物理治疗,脖子上还有一根钢棒。 Eric endured eight surgeries and is now set to be discharged, though he still needs ongoing physical therapy and a steel rod in his neck. 他的母亲埃伦·菲利普斯在康复过程中一直在他身边。 His mother, Ellen Phillips, has been by his side through his recovery. Smith被指控犯有谋杀未遂罪和其他严重罪行。 Smith is charged with attempted murder and other serious offenses.