联合王国向奥贡州的尼日利亚武装部队捐赠了一个反叛乱训练设施。 The UK donated a Counter-Insurgency training facility to Nigeria's Armed Forces in Ogun State.
联合王国向尼日利亚武装部队捐赠了一个反叛乱训练设施,由联合王国国防部提供资金,由英国陆军皇家工程师小组与尼日利亚陆军工程师一起建造。 The UK has donated a Counter-Insurgency (COIN) training facility to Nigeria's Armed Forces, funded by the UK's Ministry of Defence and built by a team of Royal Engineers from the British Army along with Nigerian Army Engineers. 该设施位于奥贡州,旨在加强士兵培训的现实性,使他们更好地为今后的行动做好准备。 Located in Ogun State, the facility aims to enhance the realism of the training for soldiers and better prepare them for their future operations. 联合王国国防部向尼日利亚提供大量安全和发展支助,包括能力建设援助、培训设施和设备。 The UK Ministry of Defence provides substantial security and development support to Nigeria, including capacity-building assistance, training facilities, and equipment. 英国政府承诺支持尼日利亚打击叛乱,加强尼日利亚部队有效应对整个区域安全威胁的能力。 The British government is committed to supporting Nigeria in its fight against insurgency and in bolstering the ability of Nigerian troops to respond effectively to security threats across the region.