爱尔兰警察进行了一次重大行动,逮捕了帮派成员,并缴获了与有计划的袭击和2022年谋杀有关的武器。 Irish police conducted a major operation, arresting gang members and seizing weapons linked to a planned hit and a 2022 murder.
爱尔兰警方搜查了臭名昭著的黑帮杀手Charles McClean的牢房,并开展了一项涉及300多名警察的重大行动,以挫败在西都柏林的一起袭击计划。 Irish police searched the cell of notorious gangland hitman Charles McClean and conducted a major operation involving over 300 officers to thwart a planned hit in West Dublin. 这次行动以爱尔兰最大的毒品团伙“家庭”为目标,逮捕了两名手持手枪的男子,并缴获了携带武器的火器、毒品和手机。 The operation, targeting Ireland's largest drug gang, The Family, led to the arrest of two men armed with a handgun and the seizure of a loaded firearm, drugs, and phones. 调查正在调查可能与2022年谋杀毒贩Cormac Berkely事件有关联。 The investigation is examining a possible connection to the 2022 murder of drug dealer Cormac Berkely.