爱尔兰警察在Tara行动期间从Wicklow一名男子手中缴获了价值120 000欧元的毒品。 Irish police seized over €120,000 worth of drugs from a man in Wicklow during Operation Tara.
爱尔兰警察在威克洛从一个40多岁的男子手中缴获了价值120 000欧元的可卡因和大麻。 Irish police seized over €120,000 worth of cocaine and cannabis from a man in his 40s in Wicklow. 这一行动是正在进行的Tara行动针对毒品分配的部分目标,还导致没收现金、奢侈品手表、电子设备和毒品附属装置。 The operation, part of the ongoing Operation Tara targeting drug distribution, also led to the confiscation of cash, luxury watches, electronic devices, and drug paraphernalia. 嫌疑人是根据毒品和刑事司法法被逮捕和拘留的,并寄送药物进行法医分析。 The suspect was arrested and detained under drug and criminal justice acts, with the drugs sent for forensic analysis.