查谟和克什米尔高等法院授权被告和法院在审判期间进行对话,由于不遵守程序,有必要重新审判。 Jammu and Kashmir High Court mandates dialogue between accused and court during trials, necessitating retrial due to procedural non-compliance.
查谟和克什米尔高等法院授权被告与法院在审判期间进行对话,由于不遵守程序,有必要重审。 The Jammu and Kashmir High Court mandated dialogue between the accused and the court during trials, necessitating a retrial due to procedural non-compliance. 它申明,过去的同居可以根据《家庭暴力法》建立家庭关系,并确认父亲对其子女负有经济义务。 It affirmed that past cohabitation can establish a domestic relationship under the Domestic Violence Act and confirmed a father's financial duty to his children. 在另一个案件中,孟买高等法院在Lok Adalat就财产税和遵守程序作出裁决,而最高法院维持对嫁妆罪的死刑判决,并澄清了彩礼支票案件的法律标准。 In a separate matter, the Bombay High Court ruled on property taxes and procedural adherence in Lok Adalat, while the Supreme Court upheld a dowry death conviction and clarified legal standards in cheque dishonor cases.